A. Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) & Answers.
1. Who is the author of the lesson 'A Letter To God "?
(a) Lucio Rodrigues
(b) Arup Kumar Datta
(c) G. L. Fuentes 
(d) Nelson Mandela
Ans: (c) G. L. Fuentes

2. Who is the chief character in the story "A Letter To God"?
(a) Nelson Mandela 
(b) Lencho 
(c) Rajvir 
(d) Pranjal
Ans: (b) Lencho

3. Where was the Lencho's house situated?
(a) On the high hill
(b) In a village 
(c) On the crest of low hill
(d) On the crest of a low mountain
Ans: (c) On the crest of low hill

4. What is the profession of Lencho?
(a) Farmer 
(b) Postman 
(c) Trader 
(d) Manager
Ans: (a) Farmer

5. What was Lencho expecting from his corn field?
(a) Lots of money 
(b) Treasure 
(c) A good harvest 
(d) None of the above
Ans: (c) A good harvest

6. Who cried, "Yes, God willing".
(a) The postman 
(b) The older boys
(c) Lencho
(d) The woman who was preparing the supper
Ans: (c) Lencho

7. What are raindrops like?
(a) Cents
(b) Pearls 
(c) Gold coins 
(d) Dollars
Ans: (a) Cents

8. What made Lencho angry when he counted the money?
(a) Lencho received sixty pesos less than what he had demanded from God
(b) Lencho received ten pesos less than what he had demanded from God
(c) Lencho received twenty pesos less than what he had demanded from God
(d) Lencho received thirty pesos less than what he had demanded from God
Ans: (d) Lencho received thirty pesos less than what he had demanded from God

9. Man went out for _____.
(a) Playing 
(b) Ploughing 
(c) Buying 
(d) Pleasure
Ans: (d) Pleasure

10. Lencho cultivated _____.
(a) Barley 
(b) Corn
(c) Paddy 
(d) Wheat
Ans: (b) Corn

11. What was the reason of Lencho's satisfaction?
(a) Money
(b) Heavy rain 
(c) His children and wife
(d) His house
Ans: (b) Heavy rain

12. "These aren't raindrops falling from the sky, they are new coins." Who said this line?
(a) The postman 
(b) The older boys 
(c) The woman 
(d) Lencho
Ans: (d) Lencho

13. What did Lencho hope for?
(a) An envelope with money 
(b) A good shower of rain for his crop.
(c) A tractor 
(d) None of the above
Ans: (b) A good shower of rain for his crop.

14. What was needed by Lencho's field for a good harvest?
(a) Rain
(b) Manure
(c) Tilling 
(d) Pesticides
Ans: (a) Rain

15. Why was Lencho satisfied?
(a) On seeing an envelope with money in it.
(b) On seeing a new tractor in his field 
(c) On seeing a new ox.
(d) On seeing the field of ripe corn with flowers.
Ans: (d) On seeing the field of ripe corn with flowers.

16. What does the new silver coins mean here?
(a) Jewels
(b) Corns
(c) Big drops of rain
(d) Silver coins
Ans: (c) Big drops of rain

17. What are the frozen pearls referred to?
(a) Flowers 
(b) Hails
(c) Raindrops 
(d) None of the above
Ans: (b) Hails

18. What destroyed or spoiled Lencho's dream?
(a) Sunlight 
(b) Gold coins 
(c) Locusts 
(d) Hailstones
Ans: (d) Hailstones

19. Lencho compared the big drops of rain with _____ (what).
(a) Thirty cent pieces
(b) Two cent pieces 
(c) Ten cents pieces 
(d) Four cents pieces
Ans: (c) Ten cents pieces

20. Why did Lencho need money?
(a) To buy an envelope 
(b) To buy some corns
(c) To save his family from hunger 
(d) To buy paddy seeds
Ans: (c) To save his family from hunger

21. The field was white, as if covered with ____."
(a) Snow 
(b) Milk
(c) Salt 
(d) None of these
Ans: (c) Salt

22. What is a locust?
(a) A kind of bacteria 
(b) A kind of insects 
(c) A wild animal 
(d) None of these
Ans: (b) A kind of insects

23. Who exclaimed, "We all go hungry this year."
(a) The postman 
(b) The older boys
(c) Lencho
(d) The woman who was preparing the supper
Ans: (c) Lencho

24. Lencho hoped for a help from .......
(a) His wife
(b) His sons
(c) God
(d) The Postmaster
Ans: (c) God

25. How did Lencho work in the fields?
(a) Like an ox
(b) Like an animal 
(c) Like a farmer 
(d) None of these
Ans: (b) Like an animal

26. How much money did Lencho need?
(a) A hundred pesos
(b) Seventy pesos
(c) One Seventy pesos
(d) Seventy five pesos
Ans: (a) A hundred pesos

27. How much money was the Postmaster able to arrange?
(a) A hundred pesos
(b) Seventy pesos
(c) One Seventy pesos
(d) Seventy five pesos
Ans: (b) Seventy pesos

28. What did Lencho think of the post office employees?
(a) Very smart
(b) Mischievous
(c) Corrupt
(d) A bunch of crooks
Ans: (d) A bunch of crooks

29. Why was Lencho not at all surprised to see the money in the envelope?
(a) He was a mischievous man
(b) He was so sad that he did not acknowledge it
(c) He had firm faith in God
(d) None of these
Ans: (c) He had firm faith in God

30. What was the only hope left in the heartd of Lencho and his family?
(a) Help from friends and relatives 
(b) Help from God
(c) There was no hope left
(d) Compensation from the Government
Ans: (b) Help from God

31. What was the only thing the Earth needed?
(a) A downpour or at least a shower
(b) Water from the river
(c) Snowfall
(d) None of these
Ans: (a) A downpour or at least a shower

32. What does the story tell about Lencho?
(a) He was a good man
(b) He had faith in God 
(c) He was a lazy man
(d) He was a friendly and amiable man
Ans: (b) He had faith in God

B. Very Short Answer Type Questions:
1. How many houses were there in the entire valley?
Ans: There was only one house in the entire valley.

2. Where was the house situated? OR Where was Lencho's house situated?
Ans: The house was situated on the crest of a low hill.

3. What were the things that could be seen from the house?
Ans: The things that could be seen from the house were the river and the field with ripe corn dotted with flowers.

4. "The only thing the earth needed.." What 'only thing' did the earth need? [HSLC 2019]
Ans: The only thing the earth needed was a downpour or at least a shower.

5. Who was Lencho?
Ans: Lencho was a farmer.

6. What did Lencho do throughout the morning? [HSLC 2018]
Ans: Throughout the morning Lencho did nothing else but see the sky in the North-East.

7. What did Lencho see in the North-East? [HSLC 2018]
Ans: Lencho saw huge mountains of cloud in the North - East.

8. What did Lencho tell to his sons after the hail strom? [HSLC 2020]
Ans: Lencho told his sons that a plaque of locust would have left more than what had been left by the hailstorm.

9. What was the woman doing?
Ans: The woman was preparing the supper.

10. What could be seen in the North -East? [HSLC 2018]
Ans: In the North-East huge mountains of cloud could be seen.

11. What did fall along with the rain?
Ans: The Hailstones fell along with the rain.

12. What did the hailstone resemble?
Ans: The hailstone resembled new silver coins?

13. Why did the boys run out to the rain?
Ans: The boys ran out to the rain to collect the frozen pearls.

14. Did the rain pass quickly?
Ans: No, the rain did not pass quickly.

15. For how long did the hail rain?
Ans: The hail rained for an hour.

16. How did the field look after the hail storm?
Ans: After the hailstorm the field looked white as it was covered with snow.

17. How did Lencho feel after the hail storm?
Ans: After the hailstorm Lencho's soul was filled with sadness.

18. What hope was there in the hearts of the inmates of the house?
Ans: There was only one hope in the hearts of the intimates of the house : help from God.

19. Why did Lencho ask his sons not to be so upset?
Ans: Lencho asked his sons not to be so upset because according to him no one died of hunger.

20. What was the only one hope of Lencho? [HSLC 2017, 20]
Ans: The only one hope of Lencho was the help of God.

21. What had been instructed to Lencho?
Ans: Lencho had been instructed that God's eyes see everything even what is deep in one's consciousness.

22. To whom did Lencho write a letter?
Ans: Lencho wrote a letter to God.

23. Where did Lencho drop his letter?
Ans: Lencho dropped his letter into the mailbox.

24. Why did the postman laughed heartily?
Ans: The postman laughed heartily to find the letter addressed to God.

25. What type of a man was the postmaster?
Ans:: The postmaster was a fat amiable man.

26. What is peso?
Ans: Peso is currency of several Latin American countries.

27. How much money did Lencho seek from God?
Ans: Lencho sought one hundred pesos from God.

28. Why could not the postmaster send to Lencho one hundred pesos?
Ans: The postmaster could not send one hundred pesos to Lencho because he could not gather.

29. Why did Lencho write to God not to send the rest of the money through the mail?
Ans: Lencho wrote to God not to send the rest of the money through the mail because he thought that the post office employees were a bunch of crooks.

30. How much money did Lencho receive?
Ans: Lencho received seventy pesos only.

31. Who sent the money to Lencho?
Ans: The postmaster sent the money to Lencho.

32. Why did Lencho become angry when he counted the money? [HSLC 2022]
Ans: Lencho became angry when he counted the money because he got seventy pesos instead of hundred pesos he wanted.

C. Short Type Questions Answers: 2/3
1. Briefly describe Lencho's house.
Ans: Lencho's house was on the crests of a low hill. From this height one could see the river and the field of ripe corn dotted with the flowers that always promised a good harvest. It was the only house in the entire valley.

2. What was Lencho doing that morning before the storm raged?
Ans: Throughout the morning Lencho - who knew his fields intimately - had done nothing else but see the sky towards the North- East. He was expecting a much needed downpour or shower. He told his wife that they were going to get some water.

3. What were the boys doing when the woman was preparing supper?
Ans: When the woman was preparing the supper, the older boys were working in the field, and the smaller ones were working in the field. They were busy in their own way.

4. What had happened during the meal?
Ans: During the meal, just as Lencho had predicted, big drops of rain began to fall.

5. What did Lencho do during the rain?
Ans: During the rain, Lencho went out to feel the touch of raindrops on his body.

6. What did Lencho exclaim when he returned from the rain?
Ans: When Lencho returned from the rain, he exclaimed that those were not raindrops falling from the sky, they were new coins. The big drops were ten cent pieces and the little ones were fives.