Transformation of Sentences – Exercise of how remove adverb ‘too’

Gurukul with Arya Gautam

Transformation of Sentences – Exercise of how remove adverb ‘too’

: Exercise :-

Rewrite the following sentences removing the Adverb ‘too’ :
1. I am too busy to attend the marriage ceremony.
Ans. I am so busy that I can not attend the marriage ceremony.
2. The passage is too difficult for me to understand .
Ans. The passage is so difficult that I can not understand.
3. It is never too late to learn.
Ans. It is never so late that one can not learn.
It is never so late that it can not be learnt.
4. She is too eager for her result.
Ans. She is over eager for her result.
5. He is too proud of his knowledge.
Ans. He is extremely proud of his knowledge.
6. She is too young to travel alone.
Ans. She is so young that she can’t travel alone.
7. Mohan is too strong for me to be defeated.
Ans. Mohan is so strong that I can’t defeat him.
8. He is too good to be a successful businessman.
Ans. He is so good that he can’t be a successful businessman.
9. He was too tired to  work.
Ans. He was so tired that he could not work.
10. He speaks too fast to be understood.
Ans. He speaks so fast that it can not be understood.
He speaks so fast that he can not be understood.
11. The box is too heavy for me to left.
Ans. The box is so heavy that I can’t left it.
12. He is too old to work hard.
Ans. He is so old that he can not work hard.
13. He is too old to run the race.
Ans. He is so old that he can not run the race.
14. The tree is too high for me to climb.
Ans. The tree is so high that I can’t climb.
15. She is too proud to apologize.
Ans. She is so proud that she can not apologize.
She is so proud that she will not apologize .

1. He was too weak to walk.

Ans. He was so weak that he could not walk.

2. Government is too strict to remove the ban

Ans. Government is so strict that it will not remove the ban.

3. People were too furious to be controlled

Ans. People were so furious that they could not be controlled.

4. Tree was too high to climb.

Ans. Tree is so high that it can not be climbed.

5. Sita is too small to do the job.

Ans. Sita is so small that she can not do the job.

6. You are too young to join the service.

Ans. You are so young that you can not join the service.

7. It’s too cold to play an outdoor game

Ans. It’s so cold that we can not play an outdoor game.

8. Ranbir is too cute to be ignored.

Ans. Ranbir so cute that he can not be ignored.

9. Rakesh is too lazy to do any job.

Ans. Rakesh is so lazy that he can not do any job.

10. It is too easy question for anyone to answer.

Ans. It is so easy question that anyone can answer


Remove too from the following sentences without 

altering their sense

1. He is too weak to play.

2. Sita is too fat to dance.

3. The boys are too tired to work.

4. She is too proud to beg.

5. She is too shy to ask for help

6. We are too poor to keep a servant.

7. He was too proud to learn

8. My son was too weak to play.

9. You are too lazy to work.

10. She was too frightened to speak a word.

11 He was too late to hear the speech

12. The news is too good to be true.

13. She is too talkative to be silent.

14. He is too selfish to be a true friend.

15. He is too strong to be beaten.

d to the next higher class

16. She was too weak to be promoted to the next higher

17. The wall is too strong to be broken.

18. He speaks too fast to be followed.

19. Human life is too short to be properly enjoyed.

20. He was too clever to be cheated.

21. He is too innocent to be cheated easily.

22. The wall is too high for me to jump.

23. The problem is too difficult for them to solve.

24. The tree is too high for her to climb.

25. This grammar is too difficult for a child to understand.

26. The hat was too small for me to wear.

27. The sun is too hot for us to go out at present.

28. It is too cold to go out.

29. It was too dark to see anything.

30. The pencil is too small to write with.

31. The problem is too difficult to be solved.

32. The sight was too dreadful to be seen.

33. It is never too late to mend.

34. She is too slow for a good runner.

35. He is too dull for a sportsman.

36. He is too innocent for a leader.​


Rewrite the following sentences using so...that.

1. He is too proud to beg.

2. This book is too difficult to understand.

3. You speak too fast for me to follow.

4. He is too old to work.

5. There was too much noise for me to enjoy the film.

6. I am too tired to walk.

7. She is too young to have grandchildren.

8. The box was too heavy for the boy to carry.

9. The apples are too cheap to be good.

10. She is too clever not to see through your tricks.


1. He is so proud that he will not beg.

2. This book is so difficult that it cannot be understood.

3. You speak so fast that I cannot follow you.

4. He is so old that he cannot work.

5. There was so much noise that I could not enjoy the film.

6. I am so tired that I cannot walk.

7. She is so young that she cannot have grandchildren.

8. The box was so heavy that the boy could not carry it.

9. The apples are so cheap that they cannot be good.

10. She is so clever that she will see through your tricks.

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