Welcome to Gurukul with Arya Gautam





  1. The speed of light is_______ in vacuum.

    1. 3 x 105 m/s
    2. 3 x 108 m/s
    3. 3 x 108 km/s
    4. 3 x 106 m/s

  2. The wavelength of the visible light is ________.

    1. 4 x 10(-7) to 8 x 10(-7) m
    2. 4 x 107 to 8 x 107 m
    3. 4 x 10(-7) to 8 x 10(-7) Å
    4. 4 x 107 to 8 x 107 Å

  3. We can see objects because of_______

    1. reflection
    2. refraction
    3. transmission
    4. diffraction

  4. The image formed by a convex mirror is always________

    1. real
    2. enlarged
    3. virtual and enlarged
    4. diminished

  5. As you move an object away from a convex mirror, its image becomes_____ and moves towards______

    1. smaller, infinity
    2. smaller, focus
    3. enlarged, infinity
    4. enlarged, focus

  6. For a spherical mirror, ______ is true.

    1. f = 2R
    2. R = 2f
    3. fR = 2
    4. fR = 1/2

  7. The mirror formula is ________.

    1. 1/u - 1/v = 1/f
    2. 1/f + 1/u = 1/v
    3. f = uv/(u+v)
    4. f = (u+v)/uv

  8. For a plane mirror, magnification (m)=________

    1. 0
    2. 1
    3. ± 1
    4. ≤ 0

  9. Magnification for convex mirror is ________.

    1. always positive
    2. always negative
    3. sometimes positive
    4. 1

  10. The image formed by a concave lens is ________.

    1. always real and enlarged
    2. always real and diminished
    3. always virtual and enlarged
    4. always virtual and diminished

  11. The lens formula is ________.

    1. 1/f = 1/u + 1/v
    2. 1/f = 1/u - 1/v
    3. 1/f = 1/v - 1/u
    4. 1/f + 1/v = u

  12. 1 diopter = ________.

    1. 1 m
    2. 1 m(-1)
    3. 1 cm
    4. 1 cm(-1)

  13. Which of the following is a true statement?

    1. The power of a lens is always positive.
    2. The power of a lens is always negative.
    3. The power of a convex lens is positive.
    4. The power of a concave lens is positive.

  14. Image formed by a concave mirror is erect and enlarged.What is the position of the object?

    1. Between focus F and the center of curvature
    2. At the center of curvature
    3. Beyond the center of curvature
    4. Between pole and the focus

  15. If the focal length of a spherical mirror is 40 cm, then its radius of curvature is _______ cm.

    1. 80
    2. 20
    3. 10
    4. 5

  16. The velocity of light in vacuum is _______ ms(-1)

    1. 3 x 106
    2. 3 x 108
    3. 3 x 10 12
    4. 3 x 1015

  17. If the angle of incidence, θi = 0°, the angle of reflection, θr = ________.

    1. 90°
    2. 180°
    3. 45°

  18. No matter how far is the object from the mirror, the image of the object appears erect. The mirror is ________.

    1. concave
    2. convex
    3. either concave or convex
    4. none of these

  19. A boy is standing at a distance of 2 m in front of a plane mirror.The distance between the boy and his image is ________ m.

    1. 4
    2. 3
    3. 2
    4. 1

  20. The image formed by a concave mirror is real, inverted and of the same size as that of the object.The position of the object should be ________.

    1. beyond the center of curvature of mirror
    2. between the center of curvature and the focus
    3. at the center of curvature of the mirror
    4. at the focus

  21. Which of the following has the highest refractive index?

    1. Glass
    2. Water
    3. Pearl
    4. Diamond

  22. Absolute refractive index of any medium is always _______.

    1. 1
    2. > 1
    3. < 1
    4. 0

  23. The image formed by a plane mirror is ______.

    1. real
    2. diminished
    3. enlarged
    4. laterally inverted

  24. The incident ray passing through the focus(F) of a mirror ______ after reflection.

    1. passes through C
    2. passes through F
    3. becomes parallel to the principal axis
    4. passes through the pole

  25. The incident ray passing through the center of curvature(C) of a mirror ______ after reflection.

    1. passes through C
    2. passes through F
    3. passes through the pole
    4. becomes parallel to the principal axis

  26. The incident ray parallel to the principal axis of a mirror ______ after reflection.

    1. passes through C
    2. passes through F
    3. passes through the pole
    4. reverts back in the opposite direction

  27. According to the sign convention, the distance of object...

    1. is always positive
    2. is always negative
    3. may be positive or negative
    4. is equal to object height

  28. According to the sign convention, the distance of image...

    1. is always positive
    2. is always negative
    3. may be positive or negative
    4. is equal to image height

  29. The refractive index of a denser medium with respect to a rarer medium is...

    1. 1
    2. greater than 1
    3. smaller than 1
    4. negative

  30. The refractive index of a rarer medium with respect to a denser medium is...

    1. 1
    2. greater than 1
    3. smaller than 1
    4. negative

  31. Total internal reflection will occur if the angle of reflection is...

    1. 45°
    2. 60°
    3. 90°
    4. 99°

  32. Magnification for ______ image is always ______.

    1. real, positive
    2. real, negative
    3. virtual, negative
    4. any, negative

  33. If magnification is +1.5, the image is______.

    1. erect
    2. diminished
    3. real
    4. inverted

(1) B (2) A (3) A (4) D (5) B (6) B (7) C (8) B (9) A (10) D (11) C (12) B (13) C (14) D (15) A (16) B (17) A (18) B (19) A (20) C (21) D (22) B (23) D (24) C (25) A (26) B (27) B (28) C (29) B (30) C (31) D (32) B (33) A


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